Going to an escapist room for the first time is understandably exciting. You have no idea what awaits you behind the mysterious signboard “quest”, and all kinds of reviews and reviews, trying to avoid spoilers, do not explain anything, but only fog. So what should you be prepared for and how to assemble a dream team?

I bet it’s not hard to assemble a team. It’s harder to figure out if each of your friends will be able to use their talents and abilities in a confined space to get out of the room. Encyclopedic knowledge and super erudition, however, is not required. On the battlefield called “reality quest” need something funnier.

For example, to remember the basics of the queen of sciences. Urgently recall the value of Roman numerals and the order of operations in solving mathematical examples – certainly in the third grade, everyone learned! Geometry, logic, even geography and chemistry – everything is useful!

While someone is busy devouring food for thought, the most attentive and sharp-eyed member of the team must look around the room, exploring every inch of the area and spotting unusual things. Riddles, caches, and clues can be everywhere: hidden in the floor or wall, hiding on the tip of a pencil, but especially where a sane player would not even think to look. Turn off your common sense, go back to childhood, and explore and untwist anything that lends itself to moderate pressure.

There are some tasks that just can’t be handled alone. Come on, team, it’s time to rally – somewhere you’ll need at least two pairs of hands, somewhere you’ll need feet! Also in the quest room may meet obstacles that can be overcome only with dexterity, although to set sports records and will not be required.

The variety of puzzles and tasks in numerous quests amazes even the most sophisticated users. So there is only one piece of advice – gather a team of friends and book a room right now to have time to visit as many locations as possible.